Everything You Need To Know About Perms To Help You Decide If It's Right For You (2025)

Right now, it's all about curls, which has everyone ready to run out and get a perm as soon as possible. When it comes to getting a perm, there are many things to be taken into consideration. Perms can provide a lot of body and texture to hair that would normally be pin straight and flat, so it's no surprise that perms are making a comeback.

For this reason, we are sharing in this journalEverything You Need To Know About Perms To Help You Decide If It's Right For You.Before running out and getting a perm, read this journal post to determine if this will be a good choice for you and your hair.

Key Takeaways:

  • Perms can provide a lot of body and texture to hair that would normally be pin-straight and flat.
  • It is important to consider your hair composition before getting a perm to avoid damage.
  • At-home care products like shampoo, conditioner, hair masks, and finishing serums are essential to maintaining healthy curls after a perm.

Everything You Need To Know About Perms To Help You Decide If It's Right For You (1)

What Is A Perm

A perm is a process where your hairstylist treats your hair with a chemical to alter the structure and permanently wave or curl you hair. A perm will last approximately 6 months if your home care regimen supports the perm and your hair. There are two types of perms, Traditional vs. Thio Free. Perming can expose you to some damage, so if your hair is already dry or damaged, then proceeding with a perm is most likely not a good idea.

Here are some red flags to look for if you are thinking about getting a perm:

  • Perms for Highlighted Hair- If your hair is highlighted, perming will most likely not be in your best interest. Especially if you have a lot of highlights. The reason is because the chemicals in the perm, do not necessarily mix well with bleach or lightener. Which will more times than not, result in breakage.
  • Perms for Dry Hair- If your hair is dry or already damaged, then it definitely would not be wise to apply a perming solution over the top of that. This will result in more damage, and hair that is completely stripped of moisture.
  • Perms for Short Layers- Short layers can be tricky with perming. There is a fine line between creating the perfect texture and "old lady" permed curls when it comes to short layers. If the rod is too big, there will be no curl pattern at all, on the other hand if it is too small, then your curls will be super tight.

Everything You Need To Know About Perms To Help You Decide If It's Right For You (2)

Image from Iles Formula Pinterest saved pins.

Can You Have A Perm And Still Color Your Hair?

As we mentioned above, perming highlighted hair is most often not recommended. However, if you do single process color that is semi or semipermanent, then you will most likely get the go ahead from your stylist. Whenever you are seeing a stylist, whether its for a perm or any other chemical service for that matter, it is important to keep in mind that you should be thinking about what has been on your hair the last 5 years.

It may be that you currently have 1 color, but 2 years ago you were platinum. That platinum treated hair is still living underneath the single process color you now have. Which means if you permed over that you would for sure end up with damage. This is one of the main reasons we wanted to shareEverything You Need To Know About Perms To Help You Decide If It's Right For You.

If your color history allows for you to proceed with a perm, then you should allow 2-3 weeks before or after receiving a perm to color your hair. It is recommended to perm first, and then color to avoid the perm causing your color to fade. It's a great idea also to add a pigmented shine treatment over your hair following a perm. This will replace lost hydration and leave you with shiny, hydrated curls.

Types Of Perm Wraps

There are many different ways to wrap a perm. Here we will list for you the different types and also provide images to give you the best idea of what type of curl to expect from each type of wrap.

Spiral Perm

A spiral perm is when the rod is placed into the hair vertically. Very small sections are taken resulting in a lot of perm rods. The type of curl you can expect is corkscrew. Size of the rod will be based on hair length and desired amount of curl.

Everything You Need To Know About Perms To Help You Decide If It's Right For You (3)

Images above and below from Iles Formula Pinterest saved pins.

Everything You Need To Know About Perms To Help You Decide If It's Right For You (4)

A body wave is a perm that is wrapped using larger rods, but still allowing for a loose curl patter to form. A body wave is a great way to achieve movement in the hair as well as a softer larger curl or more of a beachy type curl pattern. However, the length of time a body wave will last can be less than that of other perm wraps.

Everything You Need To Know About Perms To Help You Decide If It's Right For You (5)

Images above and below from Iles Formula Pinterest saved pins.

Everything You Need To Know About Perms To Help You Decide If It's Right For You (6)

Spot Perm

A spot perm is one where rods are strategically placed to encourage curl in certain areas of the hair. For example, if you already have curly hair, but on the top on one side your hair tends to be straighter, a spot per can be done there to create curl in that area so it matches the rest of the hair texture. A spot perm can be placed on the ends of your hair to create curl and bounce in the lower portion of the hair like this image below:

Everything You Need To Know About Perms To Help You Decide If It's Right For You (7)

Image above and below from Iles Formula Pinterest saved pins.

Everything You Need To Know About Perms To Help You Decide If It's Right For You (8)

On the other hand, a spot perm can also be placed at the root area to help encourage volume in the hair like shown below. Your hairstylist will be able to determine which would be best for your hair type and desired end result.

Pin Curl Perm

The pin curl perm is another way to add a fun curl pattern to the hair. This works very well on shorter styles, creating lots of bounce and movement within the hair.

Everything You Need To Know About Perms To Help You Decide If It's Right For You (9)

Image from Iles Formula Pinterest saved pins.

Multi Textured Perm

The multi textured perm combines different types of wraps to create different types of curl patterns within the hair. The multi texture provides a more lived in effect and works well if you just wash and go. Take a look at a couple of variations of multi textured perms.

Everything You Need To Know About Perms To Help You Decide If It's Right For You (10)

Image above and below from Iles Formula Pinterest saved pins.

Everything You Need To Know About Perms To Help You Decide If It's Right For You (11)

There are more types of wraps than this, especially nowadays where more modern and creative wraps are starting to be introduced, but the ones listed above are the most popular.

After Care

You all may already have heard this, but you should wait 48 hours to wash your hair after receiving perm. Many think, well how much of a problem could washing it early create? If you wash your hair before the recommended 48 hours, you could run the risk of losing some of the curl.

For those of you that have seen the movie Legally Blonde, you know that Elle Woods gives a whole speech in court about waiting to wash your hair after a perm. Sorry, we just had to reference that...

As we have mentioned, getting a perm can result in making your hair feel more dry and lose hydration. That is why it is very important to be using the right at home care. Our Iles Formula Shampoo & Conditioner are the perfect every day products for your newly permed hair. This is because of the hydration that the products will give the hair, plus the INSTANT repair for ALL hair types that they provide.

The Iles Formula Hair Mask is another must have for caring for a perm. This is a deep conditioner that can be used once a week or once a month depending how much your hair needs. Finally, the Iles Formula Curl Revive will become your hairs BFF. This is because it is an anti frizz products that hydrates the curls and leaves you with soft, luscious beautiful bouncy curls every time. Works perfect for your beachy textures also.

Everything You Need To Know About Perms To Help You Decide If It's Right For You (12)

Finally, the distribution comb that comes in the kit will be your go to for combing out your curls. You will want a comb with spaced out teeth so that the curls are not pulled out by brushing or combing your hair. Therefore, the Iles Formula Distribution Comb will provide exactly the right tension to support your new curls.

As we conclude, it's important to also mention that depending on the type of perm wrap and length/thickness of your hair will determine what the cost will be. So, if there is a certain budget you are trying to stay within, it's best to go for a consultation with your stylist first so that they can give you an estimate of what you will be paying for the service.

It's also a good idea to have your hair trimmed the same day as well to keep those ends nice and clean. When you go to your consultation, if there are concerns for whether your hair can withstand a perm, a test strand can be done to provide visual results of how your hair will handle to perm.

We know curls and perms are a fun and exciting thing to think about doing to your hair, and we hope this helped you determine if you are a good candidate for getting a perm. If this has inspired you to continue on and go for it, we would love to see your new "Perm" selfie. So be sure to share it with us on social media @ilesformula_hair and #IlesFormula.


How do I know if a perm will look good on me?

You can consult a stylist to get an idea of what kind of perm will work best for your hair type and face shape. Always take along a photo of the kind of curl you most like. Photos speak a thousand words!

How do I choose the right perm for my hair?

When choosing a perm, you should consider your hair type, texture, and length. You should also consult a professional stylist.

What should I know about perms?

Perms are chemical treatments that alter the shape of your hair. Furthermore, perms are unsuitable for all hair types and should be avoided if your hair is overly damaged or fragile.

A perm is best on a virgin head of hair ( i.e. hair that has not been chemically treated in any way by color or keratin treatment) as the elasticity of the curl will be much bouncier, resembling a more natural curl. Colored hair can still be permed, but it must be done by a skilled technician who knows the art of perming.

How damaging is a perm?

It can be damaging if not done correctly. Perms contain harsh chemicals that can weaken your hair and cause breakage. You should consult a professional to ensure the perm is done correctly and safely.

Chemical treatments, including perms and color, alter the hair’s cortex (inner layer) to change the curl pattern or color pigment of the hair. However, in doing so, these treatments also disrupt the cuticle (outer layer), which is not only what we see and feel, but also dictates the hair’s health overall, causing dull and damaged hair.

Therefore, it’s vital to close the hair cuticle tightly following these treatments. Iles Formula conditioner is a non negotiable after any chemical treatment. It shuts cuticles very fast without depositing any residue.

What is the strongest perm?

The strongest type of perm is the alkaline perm, which uses the strongest solution of chemicals. All perms work with the same technology. Homecare is extremely important after such a treatment, as it is for a keratin straightening treatment.

What is the best type of perm?

The best type of perm is the one that best suits your hair type and texture. In terms of styling, a soft curl, carried out by an experienced operator who thinks outside the box, can be very natural, resembling a true natural curl as one was born with.

It’s best to show the stylist a photo that inspires you so they see the same image as you do.

What happens if I shower after a perm?

It is not recommended to wash your hair with shampoo immediately after a perm, it’s better to wait at least 24 hours.

After waiting, the first step to maintaining healthy permed hair is to use a perfectly pH balanced, sulfate free shampoo, like the Iles Formula Shampoo, which is gentle on the scalp and cleanses thoroughly whilst delivering nurture.

Always follow with the Iles Formula Conditioner, which closes the cuticle tightly and unlike other conditioners, does not deposit any harmful residues that can eventually build up and cause breakage. This conditioner is a "must-have" for all chemical work.

Should I get a perm or haircut first?

It depends on how much hair you anticipate removing. A professional stylist will know what order to proceed.

For additional insights please take a look at:

  • Haircut Ideas: Classic Hairstyles That Are Forever On Trend
  • Deep Conditioning Hair Treatment At Home: How To Apply Hair Masks For Best Results
  • Marilyn Monroe Hair “How To Get Her Iconic Hairstyle”
Everything You Need To Know About Perms To Help You Decide If It's Right For You (2025)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.