2019-2020 Human Resources www.wearecms.com - Charlotte-Mecklenburg ... (2024)

2019-2020Human Resources • www.wearecms.com

Table of ContentsWelcome from Superintendent ........................... 1Vision/Mission/Core Values ................................ 2History............................................................. 32024 Strategic Plan ......................................... 4Standards of Conduct ..................................... 5Professional Learning & Development .............. 6Navigating Canvas & MyTalent ..................... 7Internal/External Communications ................... 8Lifecare Employee Assistance ............................ 9Employee Benefits Program............................. 10Benefits Enrollment ........................................... 11Paid TimeOff Policies ............................ 12-13Severe Weather Procedures .............................. 14Health Exam Certificate ................................... 15Email Sign-On Instructions......................... 16Accessing CMS Intranet From Home ......... 17Employee Self-Service....................................... 18Payroll Information ........................................... 19Kimberly Tuttle, Teacher of the Year............... 20Frequently Called CMS Numbers ............... 21Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools 2019-2020 Calendar ................................. 22

WelcomeWelcome to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. You are joining a workforce of19,000 employees who share strong educational values and high expectations.As a district, we are focused on our students. We are privileged to serve more than148,000 students every day and we take our responsibilities to them very seriously.We want our schools and our offices to be safe, welcoming environments where studentsand staff can grow together. We want our schools to be places where every student can anddoes learn. We work together to ensure our students have a seamless, successful educationalexperience from the first day in kindergarten or first grade all the way to the walk across thestage for a diploma.We do this by putting two strategic priorities first in all that we do: We bring a renewed focusto student-teacher content and we emphasize managing performance across the district.For our students to succeed, each of us must work at our highest capacity to build studentachievement. All employees have a role to play because all employees support students insome way. Teachers, bus drivers, teacher assistants, school support staff and administrators allhave a critical role in the success of our students.Our district has a strong and longstanding commitment to academic excellence, equity andaccess for every student. We have been nationally recognized as one of America’s mostinnovative and forward-thinking public school districts.Our goal now is to build on that foundation, providing a 21st-century education to everystudent. We want each student to move surely and successfully to the next step after highschool. We want to ensure that every student has access to the American dream. We wantour schools to provide equity and excellence.Thank you for joining CMS. I look forward to working with you.Earnest WinstonSuperintendentCharlotte-Mecklenburg Schools CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 1

Vision Lead the community in educational excellence, inspiring intellectual curiosity, creativity, and achievement so that all students reach their full potential Mission Create an innovative, inclusive, student-centered environment that supports the development of independent learners Employee Core Values Student Centered Community Diversity Dependability Learning. CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 2

The History of CMS The history of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools dates to the 1700s when the local Presbyterian minister oversaw the weekly education of the town’s children. Learning was carried out in one-room schools made of locally fired bricks and attached to the local church building. Each of the preacher’s students owned a Bible, but many had to borrow textbooks. The curriculum in this frontier school covered just the basics. Public education in Charlotte began officially in 1840 with an appropriation to provide free schooling to children whose parents could not afford to pay tuition. But the “graded” schools, created in 1870, failed because of a shortage of funds and instability following the Civil War. Despite the availability of public schools, many parents continued to send their children to private schools. But public education became increasingly important as Charlotte grew and prospered, becoming a vital inland transportation center. The Charlotte City and Mecklenburg County school districts were separate until 1960, when the city and county systems were merged to form the unified Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools of today. Today, we are the 18th largest school district in America. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools has 175 schools, more than 148,000 K-12 students, and more than 19,000 employees. We are governed by a nine- member Board of Education which appoints the superintendent. CMS strives to produce high school graduates who are college- and career-ready. We believe that true success means lifting every student to new heights of academic achievement. Additional information regarding the history of CMS is located at www.wearecms.com.CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 3

What Matters Most 2024 Strategic PlanWhat matters mostWe believe that students matter most in our community and that they each deserve the best education possible tofulfill their highest potentials. We believe that to break the link between poverty, race and academic performance,equality of high expectations must be met by equitable allocation of talented educators, leaders, resources andsupports. We believe that our schools alone cannot give students what they deserve and need to succeed. Aspartners, mentors, stakeholders and community members, we are all empowered to work together for our students.Our commitmentsEquity - the urgent need to focus on equity and to close achievement gaps linked to race and poverty is describedin Breaking the Link, “...equity is not the same as equality. In some instances, equity means giving those with lessmore: more time for learning, more highly effective teachers to reduce learning gaps, more access to challengingclasses. At the same time, CMS aims to provide access to excellent educational opportunities for every child. Eachstudent’s needs may be different, but those needs should be met at every school in CMS.”Culture - all school districts are made up of people working together for academic achievement – students, teachers,parents, families, staff, leaders and partners. Regardless of background, people of any age who feel and see theiridentities reflected in the work they are doing and who feel connected to each other can transform lives througheducation. The diversity of the K-12 educational experience must reflect the diversity of the community at all levels.Our goals1. Every student graduates with meaningful employment or higher education opportunities.2. Every student has access to a rich, diverse and rigorous curriculum.3. Every student has access to more social and emotional supports.Strategy 1: focus on what matters most – content, teachers, studentsWe will focus on what matters most to academic achievement – the instructional core. • Student – how students participate in their own education • Teacher - knowledge and skill of the teacher • Content - level and complexity of the content students are asked to learnStrategy 2: manage our performanceWe will build on strengths, adapt new ways of working and measure our progress. • Develop a district performance management system • Implement a continuous improvement program • Create detailed work plans in every school and department aligned to the strategic planTo view the complete 2024 Strategic Plan, please visithttps://www.wearecms.com/apps/pages/the2024strategicplan CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 4

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education Standards of ConductCharlotte-Mecklenburg Board of EducationStandards of ConductBy accepting employment with the Charlotte-MecklenburgBoard of Education, employees have a responsibility to theschool district, to their fellow employees and to the studentswhom they serve to adhere to certain standards of behavior,performance and conduct. No set of rules can address all formsof unacceptable behavior. However, generally speaking, theBoard of Education expects each of its employees to act in aprofessional and responsible manner at all times. Violations ofCharlotte- Mecklenburg Board of Education Standards ofConduct will be taken seriously and may subject employees todisciplinary action, up to and including termination.Board Policy GBEB – Standards of Conduct is found in ouronline policy manual at: http://bit.ly/CMSPolicyManual CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 5

Professional Learning & Development CMS believes that comprehensive, aligned, and continuous professional development is essential to school improvement and student achievement. CMS provides organizational professional learning and development services to promote a variety of professional growth opportunities to build the knowledge and skills of all staff, ensuring that they have a strong support system throughout their careers and have opportunities for leadership and growth. When all employees are an active part of the CMS learning community, positive change results in organizational effectiveness and student success. There are four district offices charged with the professional learning and development of CMS employees: Office of Beginning Teacher Support & Development (BTSD), Personalized Digital Learning (PDL), Teacher Leader Pathways (TLP), and Leadership Development (LD). The Beginning Teacher Development & Support team is dedicated to supporting the unique needs of teachers in their first three years of experience and their mentors. Our goal is to ensure we assist in retaining talent in the teaching profession and provide teachers with the tools necessary, including mentors, to achieve proficiency or above ratings on the standards measured on the North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Rubric. The Personalized Digital Learning (PDL) Department serves all CMS schools. The team focuses on job-embedded professional development through coaching, along with providing over 100 face-to-face and virtual courses. In addition, this team includes support for CMS staff through the National Board Certified Teacher Program. The Teacher Leader Pathways Department provides advanced career paths for excellent teacher-leaders. These advanced roles allow teacher-leaders to reach more students, support more teachers, and advance in their careers while earning additional pay for added instructional responsibilities. The Office of Leadership Development creates, aligns, and facilitates professional learning, including coaching and mentoring, to support school, central office leaders, and non- instructional staff to advance the capabilities of school and district leadership. You can reach the Office of Professional Learning and Leadership Development at 980-343-2665. You can contact our Professional Development Center at Spaugh at 980-343-2802. You can access resources and additional information on the Intranet under Departments, Canvas within the Professional Learning folder, or within MyTalent. CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 6

Navigating Canvas & MyTalent MyTalent is an online system that supports employees across the district with all performance evaluations, performance feedback and documentation, professional development, coaching and mentoring, onboarding, forms and letters and beginning teacher/induction support.Logging In• Access MyTalent through the CMS Intranet (my.cms.k12.nc.us) by clicking on MyTalent under Quicklinks or type cms.truenorthlogic. com in the URL. MyTalent works best in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.• Enter your username and password: Username is the first part of your CMS email address without @cms... (Example: email address janea.smith@ cms.k12.nc.us, username = janea.smith) Password - Cm$12345 Canvas (last 5 digits of your Social Security number) Canvas is the CMS learning management system, a Once in the system, you can change your password. digital space where CMS employees and students can go to organize and facilitate learning experiences.• Click the “Log in” button. All employees and students have access to Canvas through the NCEdCloud (my.ncedcloud.org). YouTo receive more information on how to navigate in can log into Canvas and NCEdCloud using the sameMyTalent, visit the Help Guides in MyTalent. ID and password that you use for Powerschool. Please contact CMS Helpdesk at 980.343.5736 andFor assistance with logging into MyTalent, select option 3 for assistance on logging into Canvasplease call 980-343-1900. or NCEdCloud. CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 7

Internal/External CommunicationsCharlotte-Mecklenburg Schools provides Email –ongoing two-way communication with CMS Internet mail is available in all schools and offices. It isemployees to help you do your job better, an efficient way to send a message to multiple recipientsincrease morale, productivity and build a simultaneously. Questions about email should be directed to your principal, department head, supervisor,stronger commitment to the CMS vision. The or administrative assistant. Regular emails from thefollowing are some of the communication superintendent will provide timely information to the staff.tools in place to keep you informed: CMS-TV – Courier – The primary broadcast source for news and information CMS provides daily courier service to all about Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, broadcasting schools and offices. Questions about courier to the CMS community of parents, teachers, students, service should be directed to your staff and volunteers on Spectrum channel 3. principal/department head, secretary or Supply Services at 980-343-6710. CMS Social Media – Stay up to date by following our district, superintendent, CMS Website – and human resources social media accounts. The CMS Website www.wearecms.com offers information about CMS programs, Facebook departments, test scores, district and school District: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools profiles, the latest news, individual school Human Resources: InsideCMS information and much more. Instagram CMS Intranet – District: @charmeckschools Superintendent: @cmssupt The Intranet site at my.cms.k12.nc.us Human Resources: @insidecms allows employees to access their own “internal” Website for employees. The Twitter Intranet features information from Learning District: @CharMeckSchools and Teaching, training and development Superintendent: @CMSSupt teams, Human Resources and employment Human Resources: @InsideCMS information, benefits, policies and the latest LinkedIn school district and employee news. Human Resources: Charlotte-MecklenburgSchools Weekly E-Mail Newsletter – The weekly newsletter,“CMS Insider”, is e-mailed to all users and includes district news, Board of Education updates, and information helpful to all employees. To submit information for consideration in this e-newsletter, e-mail cmsinsider@cms.k12.nc.us CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 8
Lifecare Employee AssistanceLifeCare Employee Assistance & Work-Life SupportCharlotte-Mecklenburg Schools supports employees with a robust Employee Assistance Program (EAP) andadditional work-life services offered through LifeCare. Details are available on MyCMS, from your supervisor, orby calling LifeCare at (866) 592-7240.CMS employees and their families have access to a comprehensive suite of services designed to assistemployes and make their lives easier. LifeCare provides 24/7 personalized assistance and online resources,in addition to major discounts through LifeMart.Free, confidential advice on any topicEmployees and their household members can rely on LifeCare for free, confidential sessions, either face-to-face oron the phone. LifeCare offers comfort and guidance to employees dealing with issues and challenges.*It is your decision to take advantage of these services, although your supervisor may suggest you call. LifeCare is anindependent organization; all records are treated with the utmost confidentiality.Caring for employees as they care for their familiesFrom major events and transitions to managing family activities, LifeCare can help with information and referrals: • Professional, personal and financial information • Online tutorials and tools • Find childcare that works best for each family • Match elderly loved once with senior care options • Connect employees to reliable home improvement specialists • Research and refer pet care resources and services • Help with planning and preparing for a move, baby or other major life event • Provide saving on products and services nationwide through LifeMart* Clinical EAP Services are provided by a third party licensed EAP Provider. Call or visit the website for details.Contact LifeCareFor more information and to use LifeCare services, call the dedicated toll-free telephone number, (866) 592-7240,or log in at http://member.lifecare.com, registration code CHARMECK. CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 9
Employee Benefits ProgramCMS provides a broad array of benefits so that you can select thecoverage that best meets the needs of you and your family. Weprovide benefits from best-in-class, highly rated insurance carriersand supportive resources to help you make decisions that best fityour situation.We recognize your health care and financial objectives may changeover time. As such, there are a variety of plans available from whichyou can choose. These include: Core Benefits Medical/Rx plans Dental plans Vision plans Cancer and Specified Disease Insurance Group Hospital Indemnity Financial Programs Life Insurance options (basic and supplemental) Disability plans (short-term and long-term) Accident insurance Retirement savings plans [401(k), 403(b), 457] Other Flexible Spending Accounts (health care and dependent care) Legal plan and identity theft plans Discounted home and auto insurance Discount purchasing programSchedule your personal benefits education and enrollment sessionby calling 1-877-401-6390. For additional information, visit ourwebsite at https://mybensite.com/cmsk12/index.php.All enrollments must be completed within 30 days of your date of hire orchange of employment status. No exceptions will be made. CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 10
Benefits EnrollmentNew Hires: Re-Hires:New hires should call our benefits enrollment ALL re-hires should call the benefits enrollmentcenter at 1-877-401-6390 to schedule a personal center at 1-877-401-6390 to complete their benefitsenrollment session. To self-enroll in the Medical/Rx enrollment. To self-enroll in the Medical/Rx plan, logplan, log into the State Health Plan at into the State Health Plan at cms.hrintouch.com.cms.hrintouch.com. You may also use the self‐service optionYou may also use the self-service option and enroll and enroll in several of the plans throughin several of the plans through Lawson Employee Lawson Employee Self-Service (ESS)Self-Service (ESS). See page 17 for instruction on accessing Lawson ESS.See page 17 for instruction on accessing Lawson ESS. When you log into Lawson ESS, you will selectWhen you log into Lawson ESS, you will select benefit/change and then select New Hire Benefitbenefit/change and then select New Hire Benefit Enroll. Several of our plans require enrollment by aEnroll. Several of our plans require enrollment by a licensed benefit counselor, so we encourage you to calllicensed benefit counselor, so we encourage one at 1-877-401-6390.you to call one at 1-877-401-6390. All enrollments must be complete withinAll enrollments must be completed within 30 days of the rehire date or change of employment30 days of your date of hire or change of status—no exceptions!employment status—no exceptions! This includes employees who are terminatedIf you fail to enroll by the end of this time period, and rehired within the same month—ALL mustyou may not enroll in benefits until our next Annual re-enroll.Enrollment unless you experience a qualifying lifestatus change. Benefits are effective the first day of the month following the enrollment date, which is typically the first of the month following the date of re-hire. For example, an employee hired or re-hired November 16 who completes enrollment November 28 would have benefits effective December 1. Did You Know? The CMS Benefits Service Center is available to you as a resource for all of your benefit questions. Call 1- 877-401-6390 or visit https://mybensite.com/cmsk12/index.php for more information. CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 11
Paid Time Off PoliciesPermanent employees, employed for less than twelve Annual leave may be accumulated without any(12) months a year are granted ten (10) holidays applicable maximum until June 30 of each year.yearly. Permanent employees employed for twelve (12) Employees with more than thirty (30) accumulatedmonths a year are granted eleven (11) holidays yearly. annual leave days as of June 30 each year, shall haveDepending upon when Christmas Day falls, an extra the excess leave converted to sick leave so that onlyday may be granted. The employee calendar should be thirty (30) annual leave days are carried forward onreferenced annually to determine the dates chosen by July 1. Upon retirement, resignation or termination,the CMS Board of Education as holidays. an employee will be paid for a maximum of thirty (30) annual leave days. Annual leave may be transferredAnnual Leave when an employee transfers between local educationalAnnual leave is earned monthly by permanent agencies. Annual leave may be transferred to a Stateemployees who are working or on paid leave for half of agency if the agency is willing to accept the leave;the workdays in a month or more. The number of days otherwise, the employee leaving CMS will be paidearned each month increases as years of State service for up to thirty (30) days accumulated leave. If anincrease. The chart below shows how annual leave is employee has a negative annual leave balance atearned monthly. For employees who work less than the end of the academic year, a deduction in the100% of a workday, annual leave is paid according to appropriate amount will be made to his/her Maythe percentage of employment. State regulations, along paycheck, or a subsequent check.with regulations established by Charlotte-Mecklenburg If you are a less than twelve (12) month employee inSchools, govern when annual leave may be taken. Use a position that must follow the teacher calendar andof annual leave requires supervisory approval. hired after August 30, you will not accrue the ten (10) annual leave days that are mandatory. Therefore, you may be in a negative balance at the end of the academic year and a deduction will be taken in your May check or a subsequent check. Annual Leave Days Granted Each Year Years of 9-Month 10-Month 11-Month 12-Month Days per Month Aggregate Service Employee Employee Employee Employee Less than 5 years 1.17 10.53 11.70 12.87 14.04 5-9 years 1.42 12.78 14.20 15.62 17.04 10-14 years 1.67 15.03 16.70 18.37 20.04 15-19 years 1.92 17.28 19.20 21.12 23.04 20 years or more 2.17 19.53 21.70 23.87 26.04 CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 12
Paid Time Off Policies, continuedSick LeaveEmployees working or on paid leave for half of the workdaysin a month or more earn sick leave computed at the rate of one(1) day per month. For employees who work less than 100%of a workday, annual leave is paid according to the percentageof employment. Sick leave may be granted for: (1) periods oftemporary disability caused by or contributed by any personalillness, injury or other temporary disability, which prevents anemployee from performing his or her usual duties; (2) illness inthe employee’s immediate family and medical appointments thatnecessitate the employee’s attendance; (3) death in the immediatefamily; (4) medical appointment.Sick leave can be accumulated indefinitely and may be transferredbetween school systems, between a school system and a Stateagency, and between a school system and a community college ora technical institute if the receiving agency is willing to accept thesick leave. Sick leave accumulated up to the time of separationfrom employment may be reinstated provided re-employmentoccurs in a permanent position within sixty (60) calendar monthsfrom the date of separation. For employees retiring, sick leaveadds additional service credit. For every twenty (20) days orremainder of twenty (20) days sick leave accrued, the retirementsystem gives another month toward service years for retirement.For additional information in reference to paid time off polices,please go to http://bit.ly/NCDPIpolicymanual.. CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 13
Severe Weather ProceduresEach year, make-up days for school students and staff Non-exempt employees who do not have annual leaveare built into the school calendar, indicating whether days may use previously accrued compensatory time orthe day will be an optional teacher workday or a make up the time in the same week with supervisory approval or during one of the designated make-up weeksrequired annual leave day. Media announcements or take the day without pay.(television and radio stations, and CMS websitewww.wearecms.com) will also indicate the type of CODE C: Essential Personnel Onlyday. All announcements will be made by 5:30 a.m. Code C is used during extremely hazardous weather. The following codes will be used: Only personnel designated as essential personnel will report to work, provided they are able to travel safely.CODE A: Optional Teacher Workday Non-essential personnel will use annual leave, useAll 10, 11, and 12 month employees will report to compensatory time, or take the day without pay.work, use annual leave, use compensatory time, use Teacher Assistants may not use annual leave whenpersonal leave, take the day without pay or make the students are not in session and will be scheduled today up on a date that will be determined. Non-exempt work on the student make-up day, if applicable.employees with preciously accrued compensatorytime may opt to use that time. Employees who select Note for staff with less thanthe make-up option and do not work on the designated two years of experienceday will be charged a day without pay and will not be Teachers who are employed the first day of the schoolable to use annual leave or sick leave. Employees who year and work the entire year earn 11.7 days ofdid not work on a Code A day must sign a form annual leave during that year. Ten days are designatedindicating how the day will be charged (annual mandatory annual leave days on the academicleave, personal leave, compensatory time, or the calendar. New 10 month employees who begin workmake-up option). after the first day of the school year should work on allHuman Resources will provide specific information optional workdays; however, these employees may haveand forms when a Code A day occurs. a pay deduction at the end of the year if they do not earn enough leave to cover the annual leave days theyTeacher Assistants may not use annual leave on days use within a calendar year.when students are not in school. Annual leave maybe used to complete a full day for late starts and early In the event of a Code A or B day, staff may choosedismissals. Other 9 month employees will use available one of the following options:annual leave or take the day without pay. • Report to work • Use annual leave (with an exception of teacher assistants)CODE B: Required Annual Leave DayAll 11 and 12 month employees will report to work, • Use compensatory time (non-exempt, only if available)use annual leave, use compensatory time, take the day • Use personal leave (if eligible)without pay, or make the day up on a date that will be • Take the day without pay (except for 10 monthdetermined. Teacher Assistants may not use annual leave teachers on a Code B day)when students are not in session and will be scheduled • Make up the days during a time approved by theto work on the student make-up day, if applicable. 9 principal/ supervisor. (Employees should not selectmonth employees (excluding teacher assistants) will use the make-up option unless they can commit to workavailable annual leave or take the day without pay. 10 on the specified approved dates and times.month employees not subject to required annual leave Employees who select the make-up option and do notdays (i.e., secretaries) have the same options as 11 and work will be charged for the day(s) without pay and12 month employees. 10 month employees subject to will not be able to use sick leave or annual leave).required annual leave days (i.e., teachers) are required touse annual leave for a Code B day. Employees who are * This page is subject to change based on additional communicationrequired to take leave do not have a make-up option. from district leadership. For additional information on the severe weather procedures please contact your supervisor or log onto the Intranet. CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 14
Health Exam CertificateNorth Carolina Public Schools *Completion of the HEC is required by Public School Law 115C-323 www.ncleg.net/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/PDF/BySection/ Chapter_115c/GS_115C-323.pdf Human Resources would like to point out just a few important requirements in having your HEC completed: • Please submit the HEC completed in its entirety and print: Name, Address, Social Security Number or your Lawson Employee ID found on your new employee profile, and Position. Feel free to write the name of your school/department on the form. • All physical and TB skin tests must be completed within the past 12 months to be current. • Do not submit a separate HEC for the physical or TB tests. All info should be included on the form, with the exception of TB results which may be attached if administered by a separate facility. No additional medical info is required. • When scheduling your appointment with your physician, please keep in mind that TB results are read after 48 hours of administering the test. For example, you cannot take the TB test on Friday unless the facility is open on Sunday to read the results. • Ask your physician to return the completed HEC to you. • For employment of an out-of-state applicant, this certificate may be completed by a health care provider who holds an unrestricted current license or registration. • If you are coming to CMS from another North Carolina School District, and have not been separated from public school employment for more than one school year, please contact that Human Resource Department and request a copy of your HEC to be mailed/faxed to you, so it can then be processed for your employment with CMS. • Human Resources will allow an additional two weeks from your initial two-week due date to submit your completed Health Exam Certificate. Therefore, the medical facilities are available to have your Health Exam Certificate completed within the 2-4 week deadline. For questions, please call 980-343-1900. CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 15
Email Sign-on InstructionsTo log into your email, go to the Intranet at my.cms.k12.nc.us. Next, clickon the red Employee Email icon toward the top of the screen. This will bringyou to the log-in page.How your username is createdYour username is created from the information you gave HR. Itis a combination of your first name, middle initial and last name.Example: you gave HR your name as Mary Sue Jones, so youruser name will be marys.jones. If you did not give HR a middlename, a 1 is substituted for the middle initial, so your user namewill be mary1.jones. Your email account & password is used to sign on to the following: • E-mail (Outlook Web Access, Outlook) • Workstation (Computer) Login • Lawson • Intranet Username myusername@cms.k12.nc.us Password Default password is Cm$ and last 5 digits of SSN. It is a CAPITAL “C”, a lower case “m”, a dollar mark “$”, and the last 5 digits of your SSN. Example: Cm$12345 You will be able to update your password. When you update your password, it must be 8 characters in length. *Please note that user accounts will be created within 72 hours of start date. CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 16
Accessing CMS Intranet(my.cms.k12.nc.us) from home 1. Open a browser (typically Internet Explorer is the preferred browser) and then type the following in the address location, my.cms.k12.nc.us. 2. Enter your username and password. To access the site via Juniper your password must be at least 8 characters 3. in length. If your password needs to be changed, please visit: http://bit.ly/ IntranetPasswordInstructions • Realm - is a drop down list select CMSSites if you work at a school location • CMSDomain is normally central office staff 4. You will now be directed to the new CMS Intranet site, my.cms.k12.nc.us. Need Help? MySupport Portal This is the portal by which users may enter a ticket if a problem has occurred with a user account, password, etc. For more information contact the CMS Technology Helpline at 980-343-5736 or go to mysupport.cms.k12.nc.us. CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 17
Employee Self-ServiceEmployee Self-Service (ESS) is now available for Please note:all current Lawson users. You may access ESS Safeguard your password in order to protect yourwhile at work or from home. personal information, including your bank accountTo access ESS while at work, log into the Lawson information. It is recommended that passwords besystem as usual. The Employee Self-Service eight (8) characters or more in length. Your passwordbookmark has been added to your bookmarks should contain both letters and numbers.located on the left side of the screen entitledLawson Portal Home Page. How do I change my password? Instructions on how to change a password are locatedYou may access Employee here: http://bit.ly/IntranetPasswordInstructionsSelf-Service from HOME. Questions regarding Employee Self-Service To access from home: may be directed to 980-343-1900. Log into the CMS Intranet Under Quick Links, choose Employee Self-Service Two links are available: • Employee Self-Service • Employee Self-Service from Home Your Employee Self-Service username and password are the same as your E-Mail account. This online service will give you access to your personal information in the Lawson Human Resources & Payroll system. You will be able to view pay checks, change federal/state tax withholdings, check leave balances, change your address/phone number, add an emergency contact and manage direct deposit information. You will also be able to enroll in dental, vision, and supplemental benefits during the enrollment period. CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 18
PayrollAccessing Important Payroll informationInformation related to payroll including direct deposit, leave balances, W-2delivery preferences, pay stubs, and tax withholding information can be accessedusing Employee Self Service (my.cms.k12.nc.us). Pay dates for exempt (salaried)and non-exempt (hourly) employees can be found at bit.ly/FY2019Payroll.Enrolling in Direct DepositCMS employees are required to participate in direct deposit and can send aportion of their net pay to up to five different bank accounts each payroll. Theaccounts can be at different financial institutions. To set up direct deposit,follow the instructions below.1. Login to Employee Self Service (see page 21)2. Click Bookmarks in the top left corner, then hover over CMS Employee Self-Service. Next, click Direct Deposit.3. Enter your social security number with dashes and select continue.4. Select Add5. Enter account informationTax Withholding1. Click Bookmarks in the top left corner, then hover over CMS Employee Self-Service. Next, click Tax Withholding.2. To complete federal tax withholding select federal tax3. Select the appropriate marital status and allowances4. To complete state tax withholding select state tax5. Select the appropriate marital status and allowancesFor questions regarding Payroll, please contact the Payroll department at 980-343-1839 or payroll@cms.k12.nc.us. CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 19
Kimberly Tuttle 2019 CMS Teacher of the YearHer first few years of teaching were some of herbest, said Kimberly Tuttle, who teaches 11th-grade English Honors and Advanced Placementlanguage and composition at Levine MiddleCollege High School. “I know a lot of peoplesay that the first year of teaching is hard,” shesaid. “I enjoyed it.” Tuttle grew up in Blacksburg, Va. Her mother was aTuttle began her teaching career at West teacher for 34 years and her brother has beenCharlotte HS. At the end of her first year, she teaching for 24 years. Tuttle arrived at Westwas named CMS New Teacher of the Year. She Charlotte in 1998 and says the support programs fornow represents the Southeast Learning new teachers helped her thrive. She found a passionCommunity. “This has been really cool to have for helping other educators. She was asked toall this come full circle after 20 years of mentor a fellow first-year teacher who wasteaching,” said Tuttle. Levine Principal Joey considering quitting. “We did our lesson plansBurch said Tuttle is always working hard to together, created activities and just brainstormedmeet the needs of her students. “Every day is a ideas.”good day in Ms. Tuttle’s classroom.,” he said.“She is prepared each day, not only with aquality lesson plan, but with a welcoming smile Tuttle strives to make sure her students feel likeand a nurturing learning environment. they matter. “This is how we fail our children, when we make them think their voices do not matter,” said Tuttle. “They matter.” At the end of each class, Tuttle has a mantra she shares with her students. “Be blessed, be safe, be wise, make good decisions. I will see you tomorrow.” A group of students made her a sign with that mantra that is prominently displayed in the classroom. “They know they matter to me,” she said. “And that means everything.” CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 20
Frequently Called CMS Numbers Courier # Department Phone 670 After School Enrichment Program 980-343-5567 835-B Benefits Department 980-343-1754 785 Building Services/Maintenance 980-343-6050 835-B Compensation 980-343-1847 835-B Employee Relations 980-343-6254 835-B HR Client Services 980-343-1690 835-B Employment Verification 980-343-1900 764 Graphic Production Center 980-343-3880 835-B Human Resources 980-344-0265 835-A Learning & Teaching Services 980-343-6975 835-B Leaves & Retirement 980-343-1754 835-B Licensure 980-343-1908 835-A Payroll 980-343-1839 871 Professional Development Center 980-343-5404 785 Safety 980-343-6040 835 Security 980-343-6030 835-B Talent Acquisition 980-343-1848 834 Student Placement/Records 980-343-5335 835 Technology Help Desk 980-343-5736 835-C Transportation 980-343-6715 A system-wide directory can be found on the CMS Intranet at my.cms.k12.nc.us Administrative) datedate&pay payBiweeklyMonthly(Instructional CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 21
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools 2019-2020 Calendar* Teacher Workdays August 16, 19-23, 2019 First day of school August 26, 2019 Labor Day Holiday September 2, 2019 Teacher Workday October 9, 2019 Early Release Day October 16, 2019 Teacher Workday October 28, 2019 Teacher Workday November 5, 2019 Veterans Day Holiday November 11, 2019 Annual Leave Day November 27, 2019 Thanksgiving Holiday November 28-29, 2019 Winter Break December 23, 2019 - January 3, 2020 Annual Leave Day December 23, 2019 Holidays December 24-26, 2019 Annual Leave Days December 27-31, 2019 Holiday January 1, 2020 Teacher Workday January 2-3, 2020 Early Release Day January 8, 2020 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday January 20, 2020 Teacher Workday January 24, 2020 Teacher Workday February 17, 2020 Early Release Day March 4, 2020 Teacher Workday March 27, 2020 Teacher Workday April 9, 2020 Holiday April 10, 2019 Spring Break/Annual Leave Days April 13- April 17, 2020 Early Release Day April 29, 2020 Memorial Day Holiday May 25, 2020 Last day of school June 9, 2020 Teacher Workdays June 10-11, 2020 School will not be in session for students on the holidays, breaks and teacher workdays listed above unless a make-up day is scheduled Make-up Days: 1. October 28 5. March 27 2. November 5 6. April 9 3. January 24 7. June 10 4. February 17 8. June 11In compliance with federal law, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools administers all education programs, employment activities and admissions without discrimination against any person on the basis of gender, race, color, religion national origin, age or disability. CMS Employee Guide 2019-2020 22
P.O. Box 30035 Charlotte, NC 28230 www.wearecms.comCharlotte-Mecklenburg Schools administers all education programs, employment activities and admissions without discrimination on thebasis of gender, race, color, religion, national origin, age or disability, in compliance with federal law. Inquiries regarding compliance withTitle IX, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender in education programs or activities, may be referred to the district’s Title IX coordinator at titleixcoordinator@cms.k12.nc.us or to the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools also provides accessibility as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If auxiliary aids forcommunication are necessary for participation in a CMS program or service, please notify the district’s ADA coordinator at least one week before the program or service begins. Call 980-343-6661 or email accessibility@cms.k12.nc.us. The information in this Guide is current as of October 2019.
2019-2020 Human Resources www.wearecms.com - Charlotte-Mecklenburg ... (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.