18443168434 (2025)

1. Check who called you from (844) 316-8434 / +18443168434 ...

  • Caller Details ☎ +18443168434 ☀ Comments: 4 ☀ Active in: United States & India ☀ Active Time ⏰ afternoon ☀ Times Searched: 1339.

  • Caller Details ☎ +18443168434 ☀ Comments: 4 ☀ Active in: United States & India ☀ Active Time ⏰ afternoon ☀ Times Searched: 1,262

Check who called you from (844) 316-8434 / +18443168434 ...

2. Health care fraud and abuse - UnitedHealthcare

  • Tips to avoid fraud · Frequently asked questions · View more about

  • UnitedHealthcare offers multiple ways to recognize and report health care fraud, waste and abuse to help protect yourself and others.

3. Tips to avoid health care fraud - UnitedHealthcare

4. Who called you from +18443168434 (8443168434): 5 reviews | Call Filter

  • We have 5 user reviews for the phone number +18443168434 / 8443168434 (landline phone, United States, non-geographic, Toll-Free).

  • We have 5 user reviews for the phone number +18443168434 / 8443168434 (landline phone, United States, non-geographic, Toll-Free). The number has mostly negative ratings. Get free protection against unwanted calls!

5. 844 Area Code: A Guide To Locations, Scams, Toll-Free And More

  • ... 18443168434. Explain common types of scams associated with toll-free numbers: Scammers often use toll-free numbers to lend credibility to their fraudulent ...

  • Understand 844 area codes: what they are, how they work, where they reach, plus tips to avoid scams. Get the essential guide to toll-free calling

844 Area Code: A Guide To Locations, Scams, Toll-Free And More

6. (844) 316-8434 - RoboKiller Lookup

  • Comments 21 · Tried to scam my elderly Mom, they are calling from a call center in India. Don't fall for it! · Health insurance scam. April 27, 2024 · Legitimate ...

  • Neutral; Health Insurance Scam / Health Insurance

7. 844 区号:地点、诈骗、免费电话等指南 - MyCountryMobile

  • ... 18443168434. 解释与免费电话号码相关的常见诈骗类型:. 诈骗者经常使用免费电话号码来为其欺诈计划提供可信度。一些常见的骗局包括:. 网络钓鱼诈骗:诈骗者可能冒充银行 ...

  • 了解 844 区号:它们是什么、它们如何工作、它们到达哪里,以及避免诈骗的提示。获取免费电话的基本指南

844 区号:地点、诈骗、免费电话等指南 - MyCountryMobile

8. Who called you from +18443164300 (8443164300): 5 reviews | Call Filter

  • Similar phone numbers. +18443138914 · +18443144400 · +18443144883 · +18443150854 · +18443154994 · +18443163700 · +18443166223 · +18443168434 · +18443168577 · + ...

  • We have 5 user reviews for the phone number +18443164300 / 8443164300 (landline phone, United States, non-geographic, Toll-Free). The number has mostly negative ratings. Get free protection against unwanted calls!

9. Yrgalerie - All About Everything

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Yrgalerie - All About Everything
18443168434 (2025)


What is a robo caller? ›

A robocall is a phone call that uses a computerized autodialer to deliver a pre-recorded message, as if from a robot. Robocalls are often associated with political and telemarketing phone campaigns, but can also be used for public service, emergency announcements, or scammers.

Who is 844-893-5577? ›

(844) 893-5577 is a Robocall

Transcript Hello, this is Wesley calling with signify hello, this is Wesley calling with UnitedHealthcare House Calls. This call is recorded to ensure great customer service.

How do you tell if a caller is a robot? ›

If you answer the phone and hear a recorded message instead of a live person, it's a robocall. A robocall trying to sell you something is illegal unless the company trying to sell you something got written permission, directly from you, to call you that way.

What happens if you answer a robo call? ›

If you accidentally answer a spam call, scammers know your number is connected to a real person and can target you with more spam calls. These targeted spam calls will try to trick you into giving up your personal information which allows cybercriminals to steal your money, your identity and even your voice.

Should I answer 844 area code? ›

Yes, the 844 area code usually represents a business call, but it does not always mean that the call is not coming from a scammer. You must be very careful when giving out your information. For an added layer of safety, you can hang up, check whether the number is valid, and then call them back.

How can I check if a number is spam? ›

One way to check if a number is potentially a scam is to use a reverse phone number lookup service. These websites and apps allow you to enter a number and see public information associated with it, such as the registered name, location, and carrier.

Who uses 844 numbers? ›

Toll-free numbers, such as 844, are not assigned to specific locations. This is because they are intended to be used by businesses that want to provide a free calling option for their customers. When you call a toll-free number, the cost of the call is paid by the business that owns the number, not by the caller.

What happens if you say hello to a robocall? ›

Many robocall scams start with a question like “Hello, can you hear me?” to which people may reply “yes” without thinking. They can then store the recording of your confirmation and use it for fraudulent activities. So, avoid saying yes where possible.

What happens when you call back a robocall? ›

When you call back a spam number, you're playing directly into the scammer's hands. You could expose sensitive data on the call or make yourself a target for further scam attempts.

How do I get rid of robo caller? ›

To block telemarketing calls, register your number on the Do Not Call List. Legitimate telemarketers consult the list to avoid calling both landline and wireless phone numbers on the list.

How do robo calls get my number? ›

They accumulate your data through sources like warranty cards, online purchases, even searching for number online to build a more lucrative file to sell. Here are a few examples: “800”, “888”, and “900” numbers are another way for telemarketers to obtain your phone number.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Views: 5599

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.